Sunday, 25 January 2015

Social Media Favourites I January (Part two) 2015

Happy Sunday!

This week i came across a great selection of goodness, which i couldn't wait to share. Usually I don't document them in a specific order, however the first is my absolute favourite!

Enjoy :-) 

1.   Winter 'Uptown Funk' Look book | Sprinkle of Glitter

Sprinkle of Glitter (Louise Pentland) is a British Blogger, YouTuber and all round lovely person. Her latest Look book video had me beaming from ear to ear and if you click on the image below, you will see why.

 In the description of the video, Louise wrote the following:

"Always remember, your body is just a body. Just flesh and blood and bones and gunk (ew). Clothes are just bits of fabric stitched together. You may as well wear whatever you want. The trick is to wear them with confidence. Start with a smile and go from there. 

Big is beautiful, small is beautiful, short is beautiful, tall is beautiful. "

Source: +Sprinkleofglitter 

2. Goodness Cycle

I like to look at the below image as a cycle of goodness. After all, what goes around comes around. Incorporate even one of the below into your lifestyle and you're bound to be happy whilst making someone else happy too! 

Source: +Pinterest 

3. Dover Police DashCam Confessional (Shake it Off)

A lip syncing police man by the name of Master Cpl, Jeff Davis from Delaware has shared some Dash Cam (a camera set up on the dash board of the police car) footage of him getting down to Taylor Swift's hit "Shake it Off". 

The entertaining footage is that good, that the Dover Police Department have decided to start their own web series called 'Dash Cam Confessionals', so make sure that you click on the link below to watch and subscribe!

4. Send a virtual hug

One of my close friends is going through a tough time at the moment, so i like to send her pictures that will make her smile and in my search, i found this! 

A virtual hug, what a simply brilliant idea. 

Source +Mashable 

5. Glowing murals by Bogi Fabian

Bogi Fabian is an European artist whose creativity affects the various forms of expression. Her current goal is to create unique spaces where living and relaxing become an experience. 
I'm sure you will agree that her creations are amazing and at times breath taking too, these dreamy worlds must be a pleasure to be inside. 

Source: +Bogi Fabian 

Have a lovely week and feel free to tweet me your social media finds @Krissie_Akrill

Keep smiling :-) 

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