Monday, 24 February 2014

Social media favourites | Week 4

Happy Monday to you! 

My social media favourites for last week is being shared a day later than usual because my internet has been on the blink and so instead of posting this out over the weekend, I can now brighten up your Monday morning with a couple of great finds! 

I hope you have a fabulous week and enjoy watching, reading or even singing to my top 5 favourites. 

Here is a quote to keep you motivated throughout today!

' One small positive thought in a morning can change your whole day!'

1. Little Boy Shocks a Guitar Store Owner 

This I believe is an old YouTube video from quite a while ago, however I have only just come across it as a friend of mine shared it over on facebook. 

Brendan McFarlane is a singer, song writer and musician from Perth. In this video he sings a little country number inside a guitar shop which completely delights the store owner. You can tell from watching that he oozes talent and it came as no surprise to find that Brendan is now in the studio recording his first original album! 

Source: @BrendanDmac

2. #SingitKitty

Here is what happens when a pedal-pumping songstress meets a flat-faced dynamo. - Isn’t that just an incredible summary? But the brilliance doesn't stop there, actually there is 1 minute and 14 seconds of it over on Three’s YouTube channel thanks to their new advert called #SingitKitty

Using the basis that we all need silly stuff, and how magical the moments are when we share silly stuff, Three have coupled a cute little girl named Jolie and a singing cat called Bronte to entertain our socks off! The short film tells the story of two friends who come together to ride around their street singing along to Starship’s 1985 classic, We Built This City and they end up taking us on the most fun, emotional ride of their lives.

The advert is genius and has me in stitches, singing along every time I see it. It’s a great follow on from their moon walking pony advert #DancePonyDance and just goes to show how the ‘silly stuff’ really can and does go viral through social media. 

Source: @ThreeUK

You can star in your own kitten-rocking, face-morphing music video at and for a Brucey bonus, here is the one i made! 

Just make sure that your mouth is lined up, otherwise you will look like you have two mouths like i did! 

3. If It Fits, I Sits

Carrying on with the occurring theme of entertaining cats, the writers of have rounded up a collection of photos to prove that no space is too tight for a cat!  

Again, if you love having a giggle, then these cat are the best of the best and even when it might look like they won't fit, then these cats demonstrate just how flexible they are. 

Click on the panda below to see the cats in action! 

Source: @boredpanda

4. Haribo Starmix advert 2014 

Also this week, it seems that i’ve found another great advert to share and this one is from Haribo. 

We all know their tag line ‘Kids and grown ups love it so, the happy world of Haribo’, therefore this film is cleverly set in a boardroom to demonstrate how the sweet shapes inside a bag of Starmix bring out the child in everyone. 

The advert also features Adam Brown who plays Ori in The Hobbit, so there is no wonder that he likes the rings the best. - See what I did there? 

Have a watch by clicking on the Haribo below. 

Source: +UKHaribo 

5. Boy with autism gets surprise gift from trash man

Austism Speaks is an organisation based in New York whose goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders and they've recently shared a video on their YouTube channel of rubbish collector, Manual Sanchez carrying out an act of kindness for a young autistic child. 

They were sent the video from Robin Newberger as her son Daniel has a fascination of rubbish vans, which means every Monday he waits and watches as Manual drives by to pick up the rubbish. But on this particular day Manual steps out of his truck to give the little boy a gift. 

I won’t spoil the surprise, instead click on the link below to see what Daniel is presented with.  *Warning* you may need tissues!!

Source: @autismspeaks

Happiness Fact

Happiness has a fragrance. Clinical experiments on body odour have proved your scent changes between when you are stressed or happy

Keep smiling :-)


 |Week 2
                                                       |Week 3|

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