Saturday, 15 March 2014

HOW TO: Cook a pork slow roast dinner | Krissie ♥

A few weeks ago I went back home to mum and dad's house in Hull for a couple of days and my niece and nephew came too. One night my Nanna was rushed into hospital and mum went to be by her side, so Aunty Krissie stepped up to the plate (literally) and cooked tea for us all. I've lived away from home since I was 18 (give or take a few months in between moving house) and I've cooked this meal at least twice a month, but I had to giggle when dad actually looked like he was contemplating not letting me cook. It's probably because I am accident prone, so luckily everything went well, otherwise I'd have never lived it down. 

Dad's an avid photographer with a camera and tripod, which meant that we set it all up and had a go at filming my first 'Cook with Krissie' video. You can tell that he left me to film though because it went out of focus half way through, and I now know to check that! 

It wouldn't have been a great YouTube video without an appearance from my little niece Isabelle, who thankfully didn't chop any of her fingers off and my dad who peeled the potatoes for me! 

Please take a look at the video I made and bare in mind that I'm not a chef, it's just the way that I like to cook. 

(Click the image to play)

Here is the recipe if you would like to have a go at making this meal yourself. Let me know if there are other methods to use or if you would like to see me making another meal? 

Good Luck! 

(Feeds 5)


200g pork chops (one per person)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
10g butter
750g potatoes

2 tbsp olive oil
Silver foil
sea salt
ground black pepper
1 onion
85g broccoli
Gravy granules 
280ml boiling hot water
5 mushrooms
5 carrots, scrubbed
Preparation method:

  1. Brush both sides of the pork chops with butter, then grind sea salt and black pepper.
  2. Chop up five mushrooms (more if you would prefer) into small pieces.
  3. Peal and chop an onion 
  4. Turn on your slow cooker and choose a cooking option that suits you best. Then add your pork chops into the slow cooker. 
  5. Next add four teaspoons of gravy granules into a measuring jug and make up to 1/2 pint (280ml) with boiling water, stir well then pour it into the slow cooker.
  6. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
  7. Grate 5 carrots (one each) then chop them into small chunks.
  8. Peel and cut the potatoes into large chunks.
  9. Cut the broccoli into florets
  10. Par-boil the potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water for about eight minutes, then drain well, return to the pan and shake with the lid on to fluff up the edges.
  11. Place silver foil over a roasting tray and add the potatoes. Season well with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and shake to ensure the potatoes are evenly coated.  Drizzle two tbsp of oil over the potatoes and roast in the oven for 45-50 minutes, turning occasionally, until crisp and golden-brown.
  12. Boil the carrots in salted water for 15 minutes, then drain. 
  13. Boil the broccoli until soft, then drain. 
  14. 5 mins before the end, you can also add Yorkshire puddings into the oven to cook along with your potatoes. 

Dish it all up and voila! 

Keep smiling :-)


                                                    |Week 6|

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