Friday, 2 January 2015


On Wednesday, during the build up to the New Year. John ( my fiancĂ©) and I decided to participate in a task that will hopefully benefit us throughout 2015 and help to shape what we would like to get out of the year. 

We decided to set some goals. 

Cheesy as it sounds, I thought it was a brilliant idea! John on the other hand would have rather grated his face off then think about what he wants to achieve this year. But as he clearly loves me (we have been together over 8 years) and presumably to shut me up quicker, he got involved with the idea.  

The categories (yes we had categories) were as follows:

Personal goals
Work goals
Couple goals
Goals for each other 

The aim was to write both big and little goals within each category and then we discussed how achievable they were. To finish the task we are now going to write them all down onto one piece of paper, place them somewhere prominent in the home and tick them off as they are completed.  

Top tips for setting goals:

  1. Make positive statements - For instance, ‘Learn to play the guitar’ instead of ‘Stop playing the drums’. 
  2. Be specific - Make yourself accountable with dates, times and amounts so that you can measure the achievement.
  3. Prioritise - Once you have written all of your goals down, take some time to work out a list of what to achieve first, directing your attention to the most important ones to begin with. 

If you are thinking of starting off the year with a clear focus on the rest, or perhaps you want something to look forward to, then have a go and let me know how you did in the comments below. 

In our hour of fun, we decided on some great additions to our New Year such as completing driving lessons, taking a holiday abroad together and having black out nights! 

Have you made resolutions or goals for 2015?

Keep smiling :-)

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